I have used the Simple Savvy game with the nursing assistants and found it to be a fun way to test their knowledge. We had two teams and the competition was fierce. You could almost hear the wheels turning as the team tried to come up with the answers. The opposing team was always ready if the other team failed. Instead of answering with a yes or no, or true or false, the team had to think an answer through and had to identify the positives and/or negatives in the scenario. Time flew! Learning happened! We had fun! What a combination!!!!
I also use the Simple Savvy video in my orientation. The video is short, to the point, and easy to understand. We then discuss some of the points presented, such as being respectful and trustworthy, as well as assuming responsibility for our own lives and actions.
The Milwaukee Catholic Home is committed to making customer service a priority and the video helps us do that in a learner-friendly manner. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into both of these teaching tools. I do not take for granted the fact that I do not have to reinvent the wheel. It’s all set up for me and its name is Simple Savvy.
Pam Pierson, R.N., Staff DevelopmentWe purchased WAHSA's Simple Savvy game earlier this year. I wanted to inform you of its benefits to our staff and our residents.
In such a highly regulated profession, we, as managers, are constantly telling staff "thou shall" or "thou shall not." As much as we try to be kind in giving the message, it has been perceived as punitive or negative.
Simple Savvy changes that. The staff at all levels can identify with the scenarios and learn the rationale behind "thou shall" and "thou shall not." It provides a fun atmosphere for learning and a definitive example, which results in retention of the information. Managers have always been informed regarding regulations, but we now have a vehicle for our front line workers to be informed as well. When they understand, our residents benefit.
Bonnie Zabel, AdministratorI wanted to commend WAHSA on the development of Simple Savvy. We have been able to use the Simple Savvy products extensively. We use them as part of our orientation, sometimes during the interview process, and certainly when staff members don't perform to expectation. Simple Savvy has been an invaluable tool as we try to help staff understand our expectations and as we work to reshape their behaviors.
Simple Savvy is done in a professional manner and speaks to people at a very basic level. The program outlines very generic, but important, expectations that any organization has of its staff. It discusses issues all employees need to understand in order to function in long term care. Simple Savvy can be used as creatively as the organization chooses to use it. It is a wise investment for any long term care facility that believes in investing in its staff. It is a recommended must for any manager!!
Jennifer Bieno, NHA, Vice President Extended Care ServicesBaldwin Care Center has used the Simple Savvy videotape for some time. The tape is used during a monthly general inservice for staff. The tape has been well received by all staff. It is presented in a very understandable, yet somewhat light-hearted manner.
Baldwin Care Center has just begun using the Simple Savvy game for staff inservice. The game cards involve real life situations from all different departments. It has been a good tool to familiarize each department with the responsibilities of other department staff. We have found it adds a little laughter to a sometimes boring topic. Staff have had "fun" with the game. We would recommend it for any long term care setting.
Eileen LaFavor, Administrator
Baldwin Care Center, Baldwin
May 24, 2001
I have been using Simple Savvy in my monthly new employee orientation. It has been well received as evidenced by enthusiastic discussion following the video. I have found that it augments other topics in my presentation, including teamwork, resident rights, customer services, and aspects of attitude and approach, like professionalism, compassion, and empathy. The Simple Savvy program beautifully illustrates important points and "makes it real" for all job categories.
I especially like the variety of subjects so effectively addressed in this program. For example, respect, dignity, trust, and confidentiality are gently stated. Traits of being friendly, courteous, supportive, and kind are well illustrated, including body language and the all-important smile. Professional appearance is tactfully covered. Basics like problem solving, offering assistance, being on time, and communicating clearly are explained without being condescending.
I appreciate this positive supplement to my orientation content. It has generated much reinforcing conversation, and hopefully some application to work practices. Thank you for contributing this useful tool to our workplace.
Linda Beaudoin, Education Coordinator
The Lutheran Home, Wauwatosa
May 24, 2001
We have used the Simple Savvy game and video successfully with new employees and as an ongoing training opportunity with staff. We have used it in the format as it was designed and we have taken the liberty to creatively adapt it to our needs. It has been an excellent way to convey information in a fun way and still make sure we are getting the message across. Many of our staff have expressed that they like the idea of a game format for learning. The effort you put into making this game really has paid off for us. Thank you.
Robin Voss, RN, Inservice Coordinator
Markesan Resident Home, Inc., Markesan
May 31, 2001
Just wanted to write you a note about the use of Simple Savvy in our facility, We currently are using the video as the opening for our orientation. We also have shown it to all our staff with very positive feedback from current staff. We are starting to use the Simple Savvy game during our regular staff meetings as a way to introduce the discussion of resident rights and other long term care issues. We are finding that staff members enjoy using the game to talk about the issues that they deal with on a daily basis. A big thank you to the Health Issues Committee and WAHSA for sponsoring this project.
Nancy J. Johnson, RN, BSN, Director of Nursing
Onalaska Care Center, Onalaska
May 31, 2001
For more detailed information about Simple Savvy click here.
For s sampling of what Simple Savvy is all about click here.
If you would like information on how to order Simple Savvy, please click here. This link will open a PDF file which includes pricing information and an order form.