Long Term Care Staff Recognition Days
and Other Occasions to Remember and Celebrate for 2001

Although everything about long term care seems more challenging than ever, it is increasingly important to celebrate the mission, traditions, milestones, residents, volunteers and employees who make long term care what it is. It is our celebrations of and within long term care that will inspire others and, thereby, work to enhance the image and status of our profession. In these stress-filled days, we ask you to call upon your creativity and imagination to maintain a positive focus throughout your organization. To get you started, we take this opportunity to provide you our traditional list of special occasions to recognize and celebrate. As in the past, this list contains special staff recognition days and some other nationally recognized days that you might find useful and fun. Used creatively, recognition days can help promote teamwork, employee value, cooperation, and the opportunity to have some fun. As such, the consumers of our services will benefit from these seemingly small efforts. (This list was compiled using Chase’s Calendar of Events 2001 as a resource. For more detailed information on any of these events, we encourage you to consult the publication Chase’s Calendar of Events 2001.)

January February March April
May June July August
September October November December

WAHSA 204 South Hamilton Street Madison, WI 53703
Telephone: (608)255-7060 FAX:(608)255-7064