Questions for Parents | What KidReach can offer you | How Can Therapy Help? |
Have you questioned whether your child is developing like other children?
Has your family physician, friend or teacher recommended your child for special evaluation or therapy? KidReach is here for you! You are the most important element in your child's development. KidReach, a clinic of HealthReach Rehabilitation Service, knows this; and we offer a unique approach to your child's therapy needs. KidReach will work with you and your family's special needs in scheduling therapy and establishing therapy goals. One of KidReach's philosophies is to work with the family members during therapy: teaching techniques and ideas so you can help your child be successful at home. |
KidReach professional staff are licensed PT, OT, and SLP, and are experienced pediatric specialists. They use a variety of therapy techniques to best meet the needs of your child. The following techniques may be integrated into therapy:
"Play" is the work of children. They learn about themselves and their world through play. At KidReach, play will be incorporated with movement, sensory, and developmental activities, to encourage your child's development in his/her physical, social and emotional world. |
Physical Therapy the focus of therapy is to give your child a functional way to move about his/her world.
Occupational Therapy
Contact Information
Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
17400 W. North Avenue, Suite 100
Brookfield, Wisconsin 53045
Tel: (414)780-0707 Fax-(414)780-0717
Member of WAHSA Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging