Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours?

Where is the program held?

What ages of children do you take?

What types of activities do you do with them?

Do I have to come every day?

How is billing handled?
How do you transport the children?

What are the hours?

6:30 AM to 6:00 PM. back to top

Where is the program held?

We have two sites one is located at Pedersen school in Altoona and the other is at Grace Lutheran Church on Second Ave and Grand in Eau Claire. Back to top

What ages of children do you take?

Children age 5 to 12 years old, however: they must be 7 years old to attend at the church. Back to top

What types of activities do you do with them?

We swim 3 days a week, participate in the Eau Claire Library program both the reading and the children's entertainment. We also go on other educational field trips as well as intergenerational activities. We keep the children very busy. Back to top

Do I have to come every day?

No you can use us as little or as much as you need. You will only pay for the time you use as long as you let us know what you schedule will be. Back to top

How is billing handled?

You will receive a billing statement for the time you used every week. Payment is expected by the next week. Back to top

My child does not swim how will you handle that?

We test each of the children to see their ability. If they say they cannot swim, then they are a signed as "white" meaning that they must stay in the shallow end of the pool. The better swimmers are "reds" with the top being "Blue". Reds can swim in water up to their armpits and Blues can go anywhere. All children are paired up with a buddy they must stay together at all time for that day of swimming. Back to top

How do you transport the children?

We use Chippewa trails school buses. Back to top

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