Marilyn Vetterkind began working as a CNA at the Clark County Health Care Center in February 1983. In 1991, she took the position of a Program Assistant. She picks up extra shifts and still works as a CNA when needed. Marilyn does many extra things to give more meaning to the residents’ lives. She visits with the residents and brings in newspaper clippings about their hometowns. She takes residents to their hometowns -- sometimes to visit their families, sometimes simply to reminisce.Marilyn is loved by all for everything she does. During Clark County’s state survey, Marilyn was singled out for her exemplary service. The surveyors were watching her in one of her well-organized programs. Even though she was interrupted several times, she never faltered from her usual friendly way. She had set up the activity so that it kept going when she had to leave to lend a helping hand to others. When the task was completed, she quickly returned and continued the activity. The surveyors suggested that Marilyn should be cloned!

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